Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster
By Peggy Huddelson. Detailed book with audio tape (or CD). One friend of Let's Face It, who has had over 60 facial surgeries, says she thinks all people should read this book whether they are having surgery or not! 

(303) 487-4440 or (800) 726-4173

Articles on recovery after major brain surgery
The Acoustic Neuroma Association March 2002 newsletter (Notes) has several articles that we found helpful and interesting. The newsletter reports how patients and professionals deal with common issues after major head and neck surgery: dry mouth, dry eyes, tinnitus, etc. The lead article, Facial Rehabilitation after Acoustic Neuroma Surgery, is written by OTR Facial Retraining Specialist H. Jacqueline Diels. This article alone could be useful for discharge planning for head and neck surgery patients. For free copies, contact the Acoustic Neuroma Association.

Broken Bodies, Healing Hearts
Reflections of a Hospital Chaplain

Gretchen W. TenBrooks' paperback book is a delight. Her actions and thoughts as she walks the halls of Johns Hopkins Hospital are fun, deep, and insightful. A wonderful gift for your favorite clergy person, social worker, or Child Life Specialist.

Publisher: Haworth Press Inc.

Chronic Illness and the Twelve Steps - A Practical Approach to Spiritual Resilience
Martha Cleveland gives us this clearly written guide to healing our lives. Highly recommended by many Let's Face It readers.

Publisher: Hazelden Press

Complex Craniofacial Problems - A Guide to Analysis and Treatment
By Dufresne, Carson, and Zinreich. Text book. Available through interlibrary loan or medical libraries. 

Publisher: Churchill

Easy-to-Swallow, Easy-to-Chew Cookbook
Understanding swallowing is a complex subject and the authors give us 50 pages of easy to understand education on the subject! We welcome this important resource with over 150 recipes. At book stores.

John Wiley and Sons, 2002

Facing Facial Surgery? Cut Out the Caffeine
When facing surgery where normal eating will be interrupted, give yourself or your child a smoother recovery by stopping caffeine at least a week before the surgery. This means coffee, chocolate, caffeine-laden soft drinks, etc. Many patients struggle with the added effects of withdrawal: a mean headache, irritability, and drowsiness. Having these symptoms is much better the week before surgery than during the days after. -Betsy Wilson

Finding the Joy In Today
Practical Readings for Living with Chronic Illness

By Sefra Kobrin Pitzelle. Down to earth daily readings for any adult living with chronic illness or even wellness with a chronic illness. Recently, several long- term head and neck surgery patients have called thanking us for suggesting this paperback book. A welcome gift.

Publisher: Hazelden Press


Frances Cooke Macgregor

The late Professor Macgregor's publications reflect her 40 years of in-depth, detailed research with people who have facial disfigurement. Her validation of the "brief encounter" and what it can do to mental health is one of her many contributions to our knowledge about living with facial difference.

Facial Disfigurement: Problems and Management of Social Interaction and Implications for Mental Health
An important article. From the Fall, 1990 issue of the International Society of Plastic Surgery Journal (vol.14, pg.249). For a copy of this article, send a SASE to Let's Face It (address at bottom of page).

Books by Professor Macgregor

Publisher: Greenwood Press Publishing Group

The following two works are out of print, but many libraries have copies or can get you a copy:

Publisher: Quadrangle Press/The New York Times Book Company, New York, 1974

For a complete bibliography of Professor Macgregor's work, send a SASE to Let's Face It (address at bottom of page).

Friends' Health Connection
A powerful network that links anyone with a medical problem to people and resources for that illness.

Roxanne Black, Director
P.O. Box 114
New Brunswick, NJ 08903
(800) 48-FRIEND

I Can't Get Over It, A Handbook for Trauma Survivors
By Aphrodite Matsakis, Ph.D. Many adults who had surgeries as infants and as adults have told us about the healing powers of this book. Surgery of the head and neck are traumatic events in our lives. The physical and medical symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress disorders are explained and the reader is given specific tools for healing. Let us know if you find it helpful.

Publisher: New Harbinger Publications

Laurel's Kitchen Caring, Recipes for Everyday Home Caregiving
By Laurel Robertson. Many practical nurturing ways to care for an ill loved one. 

Publisher:  Ten Speed Press, 1997

Meeting the Challenge, Living with Chronic Illness
By Audry Kron. The public is singing praises for this 200-page paperback. It is full of down-to-earth, creative ways of dealing with the many parts of any chronic illness. We particularly enjoyed Ms. Krons' direct steps for dealing with pain.

Center for Coping with Chronic Illness
West Bloomfield, MI 
(248) 626-1379

My New Nose
In this article, Christine Lemmo, a woman born with a cleft lip and palate, frankly shares the dilemmas of deciding to have corrective surgery on her nose. This article, with its honesty and hope, is a gift to all adults who are contemplating facial surgery. AboutFace USA Winter/Spring 2002 Newsletter. You can read this article online at or

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
This service is for survivors of domestic violence who have facial or neck disfigurement. The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery will refer patients to its member surgeons who will perform free reconstructive surgery. There is a careful screening process. Recipients need to have been separated from their abusive intimate partners for one year.

P.O. Box 18749, Denver, CO 80218
(303) 839-1852
E-mail: [email protected]

Physicians' Guide to Rare Disorders - Second Edition
Text book.

Publisher: Dowden
(800) 707-7040

The Relaxation Response
By Herbert Benson, M.D. 

Publisher:  Avon, 1999

Wherever You Go There You Are
Dr. Jon Kabat-Zubb gives the reader skills for taking responsibility for their own health. 

Publisher:  Hyperion, NY, 1994

Your Body Believes Every Word You Say
Barbara Levine demonstrates and gives historical medical facts about our bodies reactions to our thoughts.

Publisher: Words Work Publishing
(203) 372-0300