Before Push Comes to Shove, Building Conflict Resolution Skills with Children
Nancy Carlsson-Paige and Diane E. Levin fill this 91-page paperback with detailed ways to guide young children to learn healthy, constructive responses to conflict. Nine comprehensive chapters address topics ranging from the basis of conflict resolution education to how to develop a specific curriculum.

Publisher: Red Leaf Press, 1998

Bullies and Victims - Helping Your Child Through the Schoolyard Battlefield
SuEllen Fried and Paula Fried address this "epidemic" with practical survival tools for parents and children. Bullying can cause permanent scars and this book can help us to deal with this threat to our family's health. Parents are raving about this book.

Publisher: M. Evans Co.

The Bully Free Classroom

Publisher: Free Spirit Publishing

Bullying and the Young Child
(From the January 2004 issue of Child Health Alert.) By Mary Eames Ucci. Ms. Ucci's regular column in Child Health Alert is one of our favorites. In this well-written article, Ms. Ucci answers questions such as: How do preschool children experience bullying? Is bullying common among young children? What is the effect on young children? and What can adults do to help? Give a copy of this article to your preschool or day care provider!

Web: http://www.childhealthalert.com/

Letter to the Teacher
By Master Teacher Sandy Goodwick. Written as if by a child with Moebius Syndrome - Sandy was born with Moebius Syndrome and we are all grateful for her many creative and concrete contributions in helping the world to understand Moebius Syndrome and to value the person behind every face.  A classic letter the can be used for any facial disability. For a copy of this powerful teaching tool, send a SASE to Let's Face It (address at bottom of page).

The Meanest Thing to Say
Thank you Bill Cosby for this paperback that teaches a specific skill to help children ages 6-10 to deflate the power of a bully. Included is a letter to parents written by Harvard Medical School's Professor Alvin F. Foussiant, M.D. 

Publisher: Scholastic Inc. Little Bill Books for Beginning Readers

Pacer Center Launches National Bullying Prevention web site
Designed for 2nd-6th grade, children can go through Pacer’s new web site to learn what bullying is, how to respond to it, and how to prevent it. Twelve animated characters teach through games, videos starring celebrities, real kids, artwork, etc. Children with disabilities are included. We urge you to check this one out and bring it to your community.

Pacer Center
8161 Normdale Blvd., Minneapolis, MN 55437-1044
(800) 537-2237 (Minnesota only)
(888) 348-0822 (National)
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: http://www.pacerkidsagainstbullying.org

Respect and You (video)
This 22-minute video and teacher guide is designed for grades 5-9. Realistic scenarios, each followed by thought-provoking questions, challenge viewers to think critically about the issues involved in respect for property, authority, other people's ideas and differences, and how giving respect creates self-respect. Our reviewers highly recommend these teaching tools. Write or call for their 70-page catalogue.

Three wonderful new videos with creative workbooks for classroom use are Feeling Good About Me, No One Quite Like Me... and I Can Make Good Choices

Sunburst Communications, Pleasantville, NY 
(800) 431-1934
Web: http://www.sunburst.com

Teaching Tolerance
The Southern Poverty Law Center has developed this project to offer free, high-quality educational materials to help teachers to promote interracial and intercultural harmony in the classroom and beyond. Free posters and information.

Responding to Hate at School, A Guide for Teachers, Counselors and Administrators - Proven tools for preventing and addressing hateful acts and words in and out of school are here for all of use. 

  • Free! 65-page paperback.

(334) 956-8200
400 Washington Ave.
Montgomery, AL 36104
Web: http://www.splcenter.org

Teasing and How to Stop It
This video and manual teach the child being teased to deal with any teaser. Parents and teachers are raving about its down to earth ability to change lives! See Developing Social Skills for contact and ordering information.

What to Do About Anger - A Student Workshop
See Respect and You (video) for contact and ordering information.