Let's Face It will be using a blog to provide rapid updates to the content on our site. To browse the sections of our blog, please click on any of the labeled links below, or click on Let's Face It Blog for the main page of the blog.

For those of you who are not familiar with blogs, here is a little more information about what to expect. When you click on a link from any of our pages that goes to our blog, the link will usually open a new browser window. The page you were at will still be there, behind the new window or in the background. To return to the main Let's Face It site, all you will need to do is close the window with the blog. Sometimes a link will instead move you to the blog. When this happens, you would return to the Let's Face It site by using the "Back" button in your browser.

For those of you who are familiar with blogs, you can use your favorite blog reader software to access the blog with this RSS link.

RSS / Syndicate: http://mblog.lib.umich.edu/faceit/index.rdf

If you don't use blog readers, but don't want to have to remember to read the blog, you can either visit our home page, where we will list recent articles in the blog, or you can send an e-mail to [email protected] to request receiving our blog by e-mail.









