Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors, Inc.
Powerful support network. Coping Strategies for Burn Survivors and Their Families is a fabulous resource.

Two additional resources from the Phoenix Society are:

  • Helping Children Heal the Effects of Loss and Trauma After Burn Injury - By Megan Bronson RN, MSN, CS. We love this booklet! Twenty-three pages with tools to define, identify, and support the grief, loss, and trauma that come with children's burns. Social Workers and Child Life Specialists take note!
  • Lane's Road Home (video) - Narrated by Megan Bronson RN, MSN, CS. A video journal of one family and their lives after their daughter, Lane, had been burned over 85% of her body. This is a wonderful film. A favorite part of ours is when Lane's dad tells how hard it was for him to ask for help and how important he feels it is for dads to ask for help. This top quality resource is free!

Amy Acton, Executive Director
2153 Wealthy St. SE, #215
East Grand Rapids, MI 49506
(616) 458-2773 or (800) 888-BURN (2876)
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: http://www.phoenix-society.org

By Joel Sonnenberg. Joel was badly burned in an auto accident when he was a toddler. This new, welcome hardcover book is Joel telling us his story. We are invited into the clever, and sometimes very difficult, ways Joel worked out his life as a child and teen. Our reviewers thought this book would be useful for any teen dealing with being “different.” We agree and also think it would make a fine resource for any disability awareness education program. At your book store.

Love Greg & Lauren - A Powerful True Story of Courage, Hope, and Survival
By Greg Manning. On September 11, Greg's wife Lauren was critically burned in the entrance of the World Trade Center. This is her husband's riveting day-by-day account of Lauren's winning the battle for life, of her triumph over the greatest obstacles, and of the remarkable healing power of Lauren and Greg's love for each other and for their baby son, Tyler. We feel this book is the best education about burn survivorship that we have ever read.

Publisher: Bantam, 2002