Goal: Increase the number of faculty, staff, students and alumni from diverse backgrounds. Success Measure: To increase the number of faculty, staff and students from diverse backgrounds in all educational programs over the next five years. |
Actions | Success Measures |
Engage the alumni to support an endowment for the Profile for Success program to sustain it in perpetuity. |
Increase the Profile for Success endowment to $300,000.
On Schedule Achieve By: Jun 2020 |
Maintain the quality of the Profile for Success program.
1.A. 80% or more of the graduates are admitted to a U.S. dental school.
On Schedule Achieve By: Jan 2020 1.B. 50% of the graduates attend the University of Michigan School of Dentistry.
On Schedule Achieve By: Jan 2020 |
Faculty who serve on search committees learn practices that help to make searches more successful by producing a more diverse candidate pool and hiring the most desirable candidates. |
95% of faculty search committee members will attend a Strategies and Tactics for Recruiting to Increase Diversity and Excellence (STRIDE) workshop.
On Schedule Achieve By: Jan 2019 30% of all faculty will attend at least one cultural competency workshop.
On Schedule Achieve By: Sep 2018 |
Faculty and staff routinely report on their diversity, equity and inclusions (DEI) activities of the past year and set a new goal for the coming year. |
Pilot report is conducted during the Spring 2018 Faculty Annual Reviews.
On Schedule Achieve By: July 2018 Based on feedback, changes to the DEI report and goal setting are completed.
On Schedule Achieve By: Jan 2019 |
Goal: Foster individualized career development and create an environment that inspires optimal, rewarding, and enjoyable faculty, staff, and student performance. Success Measures: Using the results of 2015 Climate Study, by the end of 2015 develop and implement Actions with Success Measures to:
Actions | Success Measures |
Improve the career development skills of mentors in the Staff Mentorship and Ambassador Program through a mentor training program. |
One staff who receives either internal or external promotion participates in the Staff Mentorship and Ambassador Program.
On Schedule Achieve By: September 2018 |
Goal: Increase the number of faculty, staff, students and alumni from diverse backgrounds. | |
Construct and act upon a plan to recruit a diverse student body. |
Increase the enrollment of students from diverse backgrounds for the Class of 2019.
For more information, please see the Recruiting Plan.
Completed: Dec 2014
Reestablish the Profile for Success program, a pipeline program for encouraging students from diverse backgrounds to pursue careers in dentistry. |
Obtain support ($42,000) for the Summer 2015 program.
Completed: Nov 2014
Engage the alumni to support an endowment for the Profile for Success program to sustain it in perpetuity. |
Establish the Profile for Success endowment with a lead gift of $75,000.
Completed: Jan 2015
The Profile for Success program is sustained for three years |
Support is obtained for 10 participants for 6 weeks.
Completed: Jun 2015
Establish an Ambassador program to assist with the recruitment of students. |
Increase twofold from 2015 the number of students from diverse backgrounds that matriculate.
Completed: May 2016
Sustain the 2016 count of students from diverse backgrounds that matriculate.
Completed: Jun 2017
Engage the alumni to support an endowment for the Profile for Success program to sustain it in perpetuity. |
Increase the Profile for Success endowment to $150,000.
Completed: Dec 2016
In response to the 2015 Climate Study, build into the fabric of the school ongoing cultural competency training. |
100% of incoming dental students receive unconscious bias training.
Completed: May 2017
Incoming dental, dental hygiene and graduate students receive unconscious bias training.
Completed: May 2017
25% of faculty and staff unconscious bias training.
Completed: May 2017
Planning for Cultural Competency training is added to the duties of the Office for Diversity and Inclusion.
Completed: May 2017
The Profile for Success program is sustained for three years. |
Submit a grant to an external support.
Sept 2017: Internal funding received for 3 years. Completed: Dec 2017
Establish an Ambassador program to assist with the recruitment of students. |
Sustain the 2017 count of students from diverse backgrounds that matriculate.
Completed: Feb 2018
Develop a website to connect applicants from diverse backgrounds with student peers at the School of Dentistry. |
Website developed.
Completed: Jan 2018
Goal: Foster individualized career development and create an environment that inspires optimal, rewarding, and enjoyable faculty, staff, and student performance. | |
Complete climate study to determine current state of satisfaction of our dental school community.
Completed: Jun 2015
Write a diversity, equity and inclusion strategic plan that aligns with the campus plan and resolves issues identified in by the Climate Study. |
A new committee, MAC/Implementation Committee, is formed.
Completed: Aug 2015
Respond to the recommendations in the Climate Study.
Completed: Mar 2016
Submit an approved School of Dentistry diversity, equity and inclusion plan for incorporation into the campus plan.
Completed: May 2016
Seek feedback on the following: |
Improvements suggested by the Multicultural Affairs Committee are incorporated.
Completed: Jan 2016
Pilot the Staff Mentorship and Ambassador Program with 4 existing staff. |
4 staff are matched with a mentor, meet biweekly for 3 months and then monthly for three months.
Completed: Aug 2017
Make improvements to the Staff Mentorship and Ambassador Program. |
Interview the 4 pilot mentees, as well as their supervisors and mentors to identify improvements to the program.
Completed: Sep 2017
Conduct a series of of cultural competency training sessions. |
Student Attendance = 100%
Faculty and Staff Attendance => 20% Completed: Jan 2018
Stewards: Todd Ester, Director of Diversity and Inclusion; Richard Fetchiet, Executive Director of Alumni Relations and Development; and Natalie Brown, Human Resources Director